No alternative to God brings perfect peace. There is power in being at peace with the Creator.

(Deceptive) reliance on oneself creates a false sense of security.

Imagine trusting the limited, mortal, and unreliable entity called ‘you’! Disastrous.

How old are you? How many more years do you think that you have on the earth? And you are trusting ‘you’?!

The person to trust is your Creator. Don’t live your life entirely on your terms. Live your life on the terms of the One who created you. He created you for His pleasure. If you ruin that purpose for Him, He will ruin hereafter for you.

Live life on the terms of God.

You need peace in this life and the hereafter. Only God can give both. Live life on His terms.

You can’t live life on God’s terms when you do not belong to Him by redemption. To belong to God by redemption, you need to appropriate the death of Jesus Christ in your life.

Confess your sins to God, ask for His forgiveness, and invite Jesus Christ into your heart.

Yes, do it today.

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